PaNdemic Risk Control Plan


Teachers Today takes very seriously the risks associated with teaching workers and global pandemic events. The following is a guide for employees and employers alike.

Advice for Teachers

Teachers Today will follow the general advise given by the HSE which is to encourage each individual employee to adopt a common sense approach. If you are feeling unwell with flu-like symptoms and particularly if you are coughing and sneezing – then stay at home. This will help to prevent the disease being passed on to colleagues (and also fellow passengers on your way to and from work, if you travel by public transport). In the workplace, practice good personal hygiene measures – use a disposable tissue to control coughs/sneezes, dispose of it appropriately and wash your hands before eating, drinking etc. All staff to inform their employers if they feel any symptoms relating to the above so that they can take appropriate action to replace workers when they are ill. (On day to day supply please contact Neil Robinson via email/phone, if in a long-term contract, contact both the school and Neil Robinson)

Teachers Today advise staff to stay at home if they are sick. It would be a wise precaution to send home, at the earliest opportunity, any employees who are displaying flu-like signs/symptoms since retaining sick employees in the confines of a workplace will increase the likelihood of further spread of the disease to the workforce.

To help prevent spread of infection, the Department of Health recommend that people who are ill stay at home and suggest that relatives, neighbours etc collect food, medicines etc for them. This measure should help limit the number of symptomatic individuals in public places

What other protective measures should be taken?

Workers should adopt good working practices and not rely solely on personal protective equipment as a means of protection. They need to adopt sensible hygiene measures by washing their hands thoroughly and more frequently than normal and avoiding unnecessary hand to mouth or hand to eye contact.

When travelling to/from school on public transport please ensure you are wearing a mask to safeguard yourself and others.

It is essential that Teachers today staff follow school procedures relating to the COVID. Each school will have an action plan for both student and teacher safety. If you have any questions while in school, please speak with the cover team leader. If you have any further questions, then contact Neil Robinson.

Any questions relating to the above please contact Neil or Richard.

For more info please see the attached links:-